Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today's WTF moment... for myself. I am a dreamer. Always have been. And I mean that really quite literally. It's what I I am constantly daydreaming. Usually, I am daydreaming of singing on a stage, or acting on a stage, or filming a movie, or dancing on a stage... see a common theme? The stage my friends. The stage. I dream all day of performing. The last time I did so was the summer of 2007, the summer before my wedding. Before that it had been another year. I had my sister to take care of. Then I had a wedding to plan. Priorities man. There was a time when my highest priority was getting on that stage. Friends wouldn't see me for months. It isn't that I didn't love and miss them, but I have a hunger. Of late I have been feeling pretty desperate. I was insanely jealous during this season of American Idol. I was even thinking of auditioning myself later this month...but I have to work. Alas. Priorities. One of my favorite coworkers was recently accepted to NYU to attend their bilingual counseling program. She's doing it. She's going for her dream. She's scared and nervous and sad to leave her family. But she's doing it. "What am I going to do" I keep asking myself of late. What am I going to do. I know what I want. More than performing right now, I want to finish school. I still haven't gotten my degree. I'm gonna be 28 this year. I've never taken that walk to get my diploma. It was just yesterday that I actually thought about that. I was home schooled and when I graduated high school my mom called me out of bed, into the living room and said, "Do you want me to make a big deal out of this or do you want me to just hand it to you." "Just give it to me" I said. Then I went back to bed. And that was my high school graduation. But now I've got the hunger. I want to take that walk. I've been daydreaming about my path after that. It's time to stop dreaming man. Make it happen. I've got to do it for myself. I don't want to get to the end of my life, look back and think...WTF

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today's WTF!!! Moment

Warning: Only click on or copy and paste the following links if you want to be pissed off.

My mother used to say, "If you don't respect the man, you still have to respect the office." This was back in the Clinton days. She said she didn't like Bill Clinton, but if he came to our house and knocked on our door, she would be respectful, shake his hand and invite him in to dinner...because he is the president.

Now what I don't understand, is that the Obama's have been in office for less than a hundred days. Less than 70!!! What have they shown us thus far that deserves this kind of dirty, disgusting disrespect. And from the party that claims to be the morally superior one. I'm still looking for that part of the compassionate conservative party. These articles are just 2 more reasons why I am an independent...thinker and voter. Because WTF.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Today's WTF moment

This moment actually happened 2 nights ago. An older, dare I say, gentleman, was talking to someone about his mother's battle with early onset of Alzheimer's. What made this even worse than it's face value was that this happened in the midst of one of the types of crowds that vibes that they are more "enlightened" than the average folk.

"My mother's body physically is great. She will probably live forever, which she is not happy about. But she isn't willing to do anything about it, which is inconvenient"


...She isn't willing to do anything about it...

Now, one of my worst fears is that I or any of my loved ones would get Alzheimer's. I just feel like that would be one of the most heartbreaking things that could happen to me and mine. But I could not imagine wanting them to be gone for the sake of convenience. To say I was pissed off at this statement is an understatement. I was outraged. I was angry and sad, but mostly angry. I believe that all life is sacred, once cannot come back again. My mother died when I was a pre-teen. If I could trade her dead body with one that is strong physically but whose mind has decided it's own path, I would take it so fast. Just to be able to see her when I could would be an immeasurable gift. It saddened and angered me that life can be so expendable to some, especially your own mother's... I'm still at a loss...and still a little pissed off...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Does Growing up really mean saying goodbye?

I am sitting here pondering this question. I think of where all of my friends are, the true ones that I trust anything with...and none of them are close to me. In fact, none of them are in a vicinity any where close to each other. We are all spread out. It would be funny if it didn't fill me with sadness. I have always been fiercely independent, and now when I think of the fact that I really have to be independent now, away from the women that enriched my life and were my source of strength for so long, I weep. Like I said before; marriage is revealing things in me that I didn't know existed. The worst part is there is nothing to be done about it. We are all headed in different directions; The Bay Area, Italy, Seattle, Merced...we are all in the places that God wants us to be in order to be the best people and live the best lives we can, but it's hard. I know it's right, but damn it hurts just the same. To say I miss my friends is an understatement. The loneliness doesn't hit me every moment, or even every day, but when it does, it's next to unbearable. C'est la vie, no? Oui. I used to say that this is the way life is supposed to go. Folks grow up, they move away from the familiar, or they stay put, but it's all ok. I'm not feeling ok just now.