Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today's WTF!!! Moment

Warning: Only click on or copy and paste the following links if you want to be pissed off.



My mother used to say, "If you don't respect the man, you still have to respect the office." This was back in the Clinton days. She said she didn't like Bill Clinton, but if he came to our house and knocked on our door, she would be respectful, shake his hand and invite him in to dinner...because he is the president.

Now what I don't understand, is that the Obama's have been in office for less than a hundred days. Less than 70!!! What have they shown us thus far that deserves this kind of dirty, disgusting disrespect. And from the party that claims to be the morally superior one. I'm still looking for that part of the compassionate conservative party. These articles are just 2 more reasons why I am an independent...thinker and voter. Because WTF.

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